Children's Fate

Transforming IDPs into Peace ambassadors and entrepreneurs

     CHILDREN’s FATE organized a training session on Saturday 03rd June 2023 on the theme “Transforming IDPs into Peace Ambassadors and Entrepreneurs”. This training session took place in a church hall called MEN OF GOD MINISTRY under the coordination of Pastor BRIAN and CHILDREN’s FATE’s Co-founder and President. The training started at 12:00 pm and it ended at 5:00 pm. This training session was a continued evaluation from the what was organized in Yaoundé.


     Children’s Fate would like to express her deepest appreciation to IREX, Children’s Fate staff and team for their mobilization, endeavor and concern this positive energy generated by the team made the training possible and easy. We would equally express our gratitude to Pastor BRIAN and Man Of GOD Ministry, a man of GOD full with positive intentions and willingness to impact the world with his good faith and generosity. We can’t conclude without extending our salutation and deepest respect to our participants and trainers, who were willing to undertake the journey because of abundant trust and confidence they had regarding Children’s Fate and her team.

General Objective of the training session.

     The training workshop had as objective to familiarize the participants with the knowledge of entrepreneurship, how to build business plans and strategies. This training session lasted for 5 hours during which trainees were given tips and handouts on how to produce liquid soap and yoghurt both for household consumption and for sale. We had a total number of 46 trainees and three (3) professional trainers.

     The workshop also intended to identify major problems faced by participants. From the 46 participants, we had 40 women principally adults (35) and youths (5), they had complained related to marital violence, business failure and societal discrimination (Anglophone Crisis). To come out of these mischiefs, it is important for these women to become entrepreneurs so as to make used of the skills impacted on them as new sources of income generation.

     Participants came from different regions of Cameroon principally from the North-West and South – West regions of Cameroon. They came with mush anxiety and willingness to learn. Their motivation inspired us and we are willing to accompany our trainees till their independence.

The two documents, which surrounded our training sessions are the recipes of yoghurt and liquid soap production. These recipes included the prices of ingredients and where they can be purchased.

     The participants were asked to focus on the procedure of production and participation was compulsory so as to include our volunteers in our actions.


Children’s Fate grouped the training session around three major topics. These trainings were moderated by CHU ROUDOPH KENAH (CF Regional Coordinator for the Center Region).

  • To begin with, we started with yoghurt production which lasted for 1 hours, presented and coordinated by Mme. Fon Relindis Anoh (CF Business Strategist).
  • Later on, we moved forward with liquid soap production which lasted for 2hours, presented and coordinated by Mme. DJEUKEM Hedra Lauraine (Trainer)
  • Finally, participants were trained on how to build a business plan. This training lasted for 30 minutes, presented and coordinated by Mme. Mehndzo Atoumkezih Evangeline Eghem (CF field coordinator for SW)

     To conclude this session, certificates of participation and products (a bottle of liquid soap and yoghurt) were handed to participants under the auspice of the Co-founder and president, trainers and Church representation. Digitalized by ASONGWE CLIVE ACHO (Digital Manager).

Activities of the workshop

     Activities started at 12:00 pm, with an opening prayer session, followed by a word from the Co-founder and President of Children’s Fate, later on, Pastor BRIAN gave a word of order and obedience. After all these presentations, trainings began with yoghurt production followed by soap production and finally drafting of business plans. At the end of the trainings, certificates

    were handed to participants including recipes of soap and yoghurt product, a bottle of liquid soap and yoghurt. After the handling of certificates, Pastor BRIAN coordinated the training session with abundance of blessings and prayers and a family picture was taken.


Training session went on well, participants were delighted and anxious to create their businesses and also to put our trainings into practiced. To this effect, we were invited for a follow up practical session with a group of 13 trainees, which is to take place on THURSDAY 08 JUNE 2023. Also, participants called on our attention to extend our trainings to the Anglophone regions of Cameroon so as to permit fellow Cameroonians who couldn’t make it to benefit from the training in their respective areas. Children’s Fate responded positively to this invitation.


     In a nutshell, the training went on well and register a positive success from participants, staff and host. We are called to organized more training sessions in other regions of Cameroon.