Children's Fate


We strive to reshape the fate of underprivileged and conflict affected children through education, health, sanitation and livelihood support.

Our Objectives.

Children’s Fate has been created to achieve the following objectives;

Quality Education

Promoting underprivileged children through quality education in Cameroon

Good Health And Well Being

safeguarding the health of underprivileged and children affected by conflicts in Cameroon

No Poverty

Empowering underprivileged youths and school drop outs through capacity building and income generating activities

Income Generating Activities

Training youths and single mothers on income and self reliant activities in order to help them establish businesses and promote self-employment.

Our Activities

Children’s Fate carries out its activities in accordance to its objectives in different departments.


Education Scholarships

Capacity Building

Peace Building Training

Health Campaigns

Health Campaigns